The Smart EPC project supports the improvement of public lighting with smart services related to energy efficiency with new LEDs and EV charge points, among others for improvement of energy efficiency of the cities. This is a project of Europe Horizon 2020 programme that lasts 3 years and Rivas Vaciamadrid and Murcia cities and Escan participate as partners of Spain. Similar activities will be carried out in Croatia, France, and Poland to debate the different contracts, technologies, and smart services more adequate for the public lighting management.
This workshop took place at the main building of Rivas Vaciamadrid city on June 7th, 2023, with the participation of 18 people from municipalities, ESCO companies, lighting and ICT manufacturers, and facilitators.
The activities carried out in Rivas Vaciamadrid and Murcia cities were showed related to the creation of the database for light points and smart services as WI-FI antennas in lamp posts, video surveillance as motion sensors at sport courts; it is forecasted the acquisition of new EV charge stations and replacement of current lighting to LEDs or even installation of solar LEDs; even a demo site was carried out in the same workshop room to show how the control of luminaires and smart services.
Nuevo Baztán with Signify representatives also showed the project with solar LED in a park and in several streets.
All attendants participated in the debate about the LEDs typology, contracts of public lighting and smart devices that produce energy and non-energy benefits as energy savings or connection to WIFI.